Staying focused in this day and age can be extremely difficult. Whether it's your phone buzzing, kids yelling, doorbell ringing, new gossip, or meetings, how could you possibly stay focused and productive? Well, we have the answers. Surprisingly it won't just be one or two recommendations that will solve this problem instead, utilizing a few of these strategies will help you to stay focused and boost your productivity.
In this article, you will find 8 Tips To Stay Focused in 2022 along with the best focus supplement to help you achieve maximum productivity naturally. Along with a special bonus tip!
With that being said let's get focused!
Alright, so let's say you want to increase your focus and have more energy without having to get a prescription, and it would be a plus if it was natural and plant-based right? Now let's say you found this product but you are also trying to lose weight and don’t want to take 5 different supplements to achieve all these goals.
I have good news. Canna Slim is a natural plant-based Focus, Energy, and Weight Loss Supplement. Canna Slim enhances focus while also providing energy and suppressing your appetite to prevent all those trips to the snack drawer. Plus it's organic, non gmo, vegan friendly, gluten free and soy free. If you’d like to give Canna Slim a try click HERE. Use Sezzle at checkout and buy now, pay later with no credit check!
1 - Plan Your Day
This is definitely an overlooked tip but it actually works! Start your workday by listing your goals for the day. Once you have the list of things you’d like to accomplish, start knocking them out one by one. Once you become consistent with the daily goals, start planning your weekly goals. We’ve found that a whiteboard helps or something that you see daily to remind you of the tasks at hand. Plus it’s extremely satisfying once you complete a task and get to cross it off. Give it a try and experience the accomplishment for yourself.
This is going to be one of the more challenging tips to be consistent with. Once you’re in the work mindset turn your phone to “Do Not Disturb”. Cell phones are one of the most distracting pieces of equipment in our era. As soon as you unlock your phone the number of tweets, goofy videos, gossip, Instagram notifications, texts, and so much more can consume up hours of your day in a blink of an eye. By putting your phone on do not disturb you take the constant buzzing and temptation away and can increase productivity and concentration.
However, if you use your phone for work on a regular basis this can be much more difficult. If that's the case try setting timers on your phone. Work for an hour then take a 5-minute break and catch up on the latest notifications you’ve received. Just be sure to separate work and pleasure to stop the endless distractions phones can cause.
3 - Find Your Time
Usually, mornings are when people tend to be the most productive, if this is you then find the right time to start and stop work. This can be different for everyone so it's important to find out what works for you. If mornings are when you feel the most productive then be sure to set a work start time and a work stop time.
For example, I wake up at 8am every morning and tend to have a slow start. By 9:30am I’m ready to start rolling and get to work. I’ll set a timer for 3:30pm to take a break and do something fun that isn't working. I’ll set a timer for my leisure time that lasts about 30 minutes. My next timer doesn't go off till around 7pm when it’s a subtle reminder to head home and finish your work up. Keep in mind this is what works for me. Everyone is different, be sure to find your time. Once you do, make sure to be consistent with it.
4 - Get Enough Sleep
This tip is very important. Sleep is one of the main factors in having a productive day. Not getting enough sleep can cause grogginess, poor concentration, irritability, and fatigue. All of these things can cause a workday to be unbearable. It’s recommended for adults to get around 7-9 hours of sleep per night. In a perfect world, everyone would get that amount but usually, that's not the case. If you’re struggling to get at least 7 hours of sleep try heading to bed early, using melatonin, or trying other sleeping techniques.
5 - Don't Multitask
Multitasking can actually decrease efficiency when trying to complete tasks. Instead of trying to juggle 5 or 6 different things, simplify. Focusing on one objective at a time will allow you to be more concentrated on the end goal, rather than thinking about multiple assignments at once and potentially getting overwhelmed. Most people tend to think they are good at multitasking however, usually this is not the case.

6 - Eat Healthy
Eating healthy is another very important tip, food equals energy. By eating healthier you’ll get rid of the bogged down feeling such as when you attack a cheeseburger from McDonald's. If you don't like eating in the mornings such as myself try drinking smoothies or a protein shake. Those nutrients will keep you energized and more focused throughout the day until lunchtime. Eating healthy will not only give you energy and enhance focus but can also help improve mood, skin, hair, and mental health. Give it a try and let us know how you feel after making the switch.
You’re a boss! Even by reading this article, you’re taking the steps to help better your focus, get more energy and be more productive. So if you made it this far give yourself a pat on the back. It’s difficult to get motivated and stay motivated throughout a normal day due to the usual ups and downs that tend to come with the daily grind.
Motivation can help keep you stay on track during those ups and downs. So what motivates you? It could be a youtube video of a powerful speaker, hardcore rock and roll, taking a morning run, pumping some iron, or just looking in the mirror and giving yourself a talk. Again, everyone is different. Find what motivational outlet works for you and utilize it when you feel sluggish or lack drive.

8 - Organization
Simply put, get organized. If your desk is messy, clean it up. If you work from home and your office is cluttered try taking a couple of hours or even a day and reorganize everything.
If you’ve ever experienced your house in disarray, with the sink filled with dishes, clothes on the floor, or shoes all over the place you probably know the feeling that comes with that. Anxiety, unable to focus, irritation, or feeling overwhelmed can be some of the feelings associated with being unorganized. This can also apply to your work environment. Take the time to get organized and it’ll actually affect your work ethic and mental health.
BONUS - Get Comfy
I bet you didn't see that coming. If you did, kudos! That's right, get comfy. If you’re trying to stay focused and productive, that squeaky chair that hurts your back everyday needs to go. Being in a comfortable environment can make a massive difference in efficacy. Get a chair that you wouldn't mind sitting in for hours at a time. Or maybe a standing desk is for you because you hate sitting down for too long. Athleisure is all the rage right now. Instead of wearing a suit see if your occupation allows for more comfortable daily clothing options. Whatever it is, figure out the pain points that tend to distract you every day and do something about them.
To sum this article up, try all of the listed tips above and see what works for you and what doesn't. As stated before, everyone is different and has their own unique ways to increase focus, stay energized, and maximize efficiency. To really see a difference try all of the 8 tips to stay focused in 2022 and let us know what works best for you.
We hope you enjoyed our 8 tips to stay focused in 2022! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us and we’ll do our best to supply some answers and support.
Alright, so let's say you want to increase your focus and have more energy without having to get a prescription, and it would be a plus if it was natural and plant-based right? Now let's say you found this product but you are also trying to lose weight and don’t want to take 5 different supplements to achieve all these goals.
I have good news. Canna Slim is a natural plant-based Focus, Energy, and Weight Loss Supplement. Canna Slim gives enhances focus while also providing energy and suppressing your appetite to prevent all those trips to the snack drawer. Plus its organic, non gmo, vegan friendly, gluten free and soy free. If you’d like to give Canna Slim a try click HERE. Use Sezzle at checkout and buy now, pay later with no credit check!